
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5 Tips For Outdoor Sex
By YourTango, on Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:00pm PDT

Ah, spring. Sweat, sunshine, Earth Day and jacket-less evenings of pasty limbs and exposed toes always makes us think of…outdoor sex! Here's a handy list to ensure the romp doesn't turn into a nasty public nudity ticket or unfortunate rash.

1. Be alert.
Getting frisky al fresco is all fine and dandy, but nothing turns a saucy romp in the grass from titillating to mortifying quicker then locking eyes with a small child and disapproving mother. Depending on where you're getting down and dirty, it would behoove you to be extra alert to your surroundings. If you're on a hike and decide to be one with nature, fine, but be extra paranoid about a rustle of leaves or serenade of breaking twigs. It's better to be safe (and unfinished) then sorry (with your pants down).

2. Dress appropriately.
Ladies: make it easy and wear a skirt or dress. And men, avoid belts or tight pants. If you want to go commando, even better. But select your outfit carefully and be prepared to disrobe, get busy and then get presentable fast.

3. Bring a blanket.
We learned the hard way to avoid getting sand tucked into certain crevices where it doesn't belong, so if you want sex on the beach bring a generous-sized blanket. Likewise, rocks, sticks, burrs and other parts of nature are prettier to look at than to grind on—trust us.

4. Otherwise, best to do it standing up.
If you have the stamina, standing up is probably the best position for knocking boots outdoors. The shrubbery always looks much more comfortable than it actually is.

5. Come prepared.
Outdoor sex is more about novelty than having the best sex ever, but you might as well up your pleasure quotient with a few easy tricks. Namely, bring lubrication. Getting it on outside is challenging enough without trying to navigate foreplay, so let lube works its magic instead (scentless—no need to attract bugs). Likewise, being one with nature is no excuse not to protect yourself. Bring condoms or your choice of contraceptive, and please take them with you when you're finished. Nothing ruins a good time like happening upon someone's used Trojan.

My Perspective:
Anywhere, anytime, just remember enjoy.
Thanks for reading, till next time Latino Man Signing Off.

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