
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Monday, June 27, 2011

When it Rains…It Pours
I am sure everyone has gone through this scenario at one point and when it happened to you and you said, “When it Rains is Pours”. Well ok it could have happened more than once, but anyhow, here is mine. I am trying to put some money together, and we always are, and of course my Truck wouldn’t start this morning. From the sound of it, I am crossing my fingers that it is only my Battery, because if it is anything else, I am in for it, because I do not have any money…well yes I do but that money is needed for something else, so you get into a dilemma, some people need to save for a certain bill, say property taxes others well maybe for a trip. So you end up trying to see if you use the money to fix the vehicle and then postpone the trip, or try and get the money for the next bill…property taxes. So you end up in a pickle…sort of speaking.

The thing is that we all have gone through this, as adults…well wait…even children…I guess. But doesn’t it stink…you end up having to juggle several things when it comes to money. And in these tough times, believe many families have little or no savings and some unfortunately will go towards their 401(K), which is a huge no-no, but many do. For me that would have to be a HUGE emergency to even think about borrowing against my 401(k)…credit cards would get used first. Anyhow, so like I said, “when it rains it pours” and why, do you ask yourself, does it happen when something you have been wanting to do for a LONG time…we’ll never know.

Some say it is the Universe talking…others call it bad luck…other still would say…its your fault…you knew it was coming …why did you not prepare ahead of time…well…we don’t because we are HUGE procrastinators and we like to put things off till the last minute or when something finally breaks…mmmmhhhh.

My Perspective:
Don’t put things off till the last minute. Complete the projects you have started. Save anything whether it is 5 dollars a month or 100 dollars a month…just save for the HECK of it…because you will never know when it rains…it could POUR. Till next time, Latino Man signing off.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Real Estate Site – Cutting Costs

Well I had to build a new site for my Real Estate. I used the Go Daddy website tonight product they have and even though it has some great templates…you really can’t do much with the templates. I would recommend using a blank template and build the layout yourself…unless you don’t mind some of the characteristics that some of the template have; for example the one I used the page names are HUGE.

Anyhow, I had to do it, since it was getting costly having the site through Point2Agent. I am actually saving $8.15 per month which comes out to $97.80 per year, which I could use towards marketing…you know maybe some refrigerator calendar to give out, etc. anyhow, so I m in the process of learning how to use their build a site system and if I learn any tricks, I’ll be certain to post them in my blog. In the meantime it doesn’t look have bad and the most important thing besides first impressions is the person behind the site…so will see for now.

So for now I am working on a few projects, I still have the site you can see on my residual Income button, it is coming along. I also have affiliated myself with Amazon and as you can see I created a separate page on my blog for the Amazon store, it’s not bad, the shoppers basically get all the same products, prices and services just that the site looks a bit different. No increase to shoppers, I simply get a small percentage of any sales that are made through the site. Now, you can do a search and it will bring up all the same products you might do as if you were in Amazon itself, like I said it looks a bit different, but the concept, the products, prices and customer service is all the same. I do nothing accept drive customer to the site…I’ll keep you posted and see how that goes.

Its like investing, you can’t have all your apples in one basket, need to have a good portfolio to maximize or have a broader range of options, so think of my sites and business ideas as a broader range (portfolio) to obtain residual income. It takes time like a 401(K) plan, but build it now and you’ll be surprised in say 5-10 years…a little something-something is better than nothing.

Hey thanks again for reading and stopping by, as you are all aware summer has started and I hope everyone gets out there and enjoys the many things that are available…don’t need to spend money to have fun…there a lot of things that don’t cost anything you can do. Enjoy, stay safe and till next time Latino Man signing off.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I wanted to touch base on this topic. If you recall on of my posting I stated that my little girl was having issues going poop. We had attempted several products, both natural and prescribed by her doctor. They all seem to work for a short time but eventually stopped working.

I had posted about something we found across the border in Mexico, all natural. It was dissolved in her juice or water ad it had no flavor, color or taste. It worked fantastic, but eventually after the month was up and we had no more, it stopped working after several days of not giving it to her. We feel horrible, as sometime we watch her cry and attempt to push, but with no success. Her tears and her whimpering have made us fell useless.
Now we have been told to go back to her doctor and see if they can recommend something else, but as I mentioned before the medication we had given her seem to take away her appetite, or made her teeth yellow. We were sure, of course it is possible that other medications are available, but does that mean that our little girl will need to be on medication for the rest of her life.

We have been told that once she gets a little older, she will learn to push and eventually she will be ok, but until then what do we do? We are trying once again the powder medication we got form Mexico to see if that could once again help, it was all natural and it was working. Maybe doing this until she gets older will be a solution, instead of other more powerful medication. Once again, I wanted to share because I am sure I am not the only parent going through this. I went ahead and placed a picture of the stuff we are using. Like I said it can be bought across the border in Mexico…I do think you do need a prescription, but in Mexico going to a doctor is very easy and usually they will prescribe what you ask for or else they will prescribe something else, better or similar. Usually no appointments are required and there is usually a pharmacy nearby the doctor.

Once again thanks for reading and have a fantastic week. Latino Man signing off.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Parenting –

“It’s More than a Job…or is it?”

One of the most incredible things in life is becoming a parent. We all or most of us look at it as a chance to raise an individual to become the best person they can, or at least better than the parent. Many parents look through the eyes of their kids, playing sports, dance, gymnastic…things that possible we as kids did not do or were not able to do. Sometimes I think we push our own kids into things they really don’t want to do…but are doing it because they either have to or they don’t want to disappoint us. But as parents I think we know what is best for them, not necessarily because it might be, but because we have experienced what they are experiencing; so we try and guide them away from the things that hurt us as children or guide them away from the bad things we did…hoping they will not turn out like us…or maybe not necessarily all bad, but we as parents hope they become better people…individuals that will provide to the community…maybe beyond.

Parents teach most by experience, we teach the things we learned and lived through…possibly some parents will teach also from what they learn from other and their experiences. But for the most part our kids learn from us, what we do, our actions, are mannerism, are values. Of course children once they go to school will begin picking up other little annoying habits or maybe not so bad habits…but they will learn a small percentage from the outside world. But what determines their being will come from the parents…whether you parents agree with me or not…they will learn from watching you. The thing is that most of the time kids have a tendency not to listen…I mean for example. You kids are sitting in the living room watching TV, and you are of course doing something around the house, when you come across their room or the bathroom or something…and you begin to flare up. You stump towards the living already yelling at the kid, from the other room and when you do reach them and you begin to reprimand them on what you saw – how does it play out. Now, did you noticed that while you were flickering your finger at them and speaking they were looking at you and then so vaguely look back at the TV, then back at you…as you talk. I am sure since you were flared up, most parents do not notice this, many do, but many don’t and the parent simply continues on there verbal attack. How much of what you said did the child actually hear?

Of course you can go ahead and stump over and turn off the TV, and start again on the verbal attack, but once again…do they hear the words that come out of your mouth or are they hearing Charlie Browns Teacher voice? I don’t know…it seems that as parents we stress out so much more on things that the children care to do anything about. The sad thing is that most of the time these kids will not know exactly what the parent tried to do…until they are much older…and sometimes it can be too late. I don’t know…maybe not, the things is as adults we start to remember the things are parents did and we start to recollect some of the verbal bashing we got and we step back and look at our kids and say, OMG…did I do that as a kid”. If I didn’t listen to my parents, and my kids aren’t listening to me, when does this cycle stop? Or should it, maybe it is meant to be this way…the never ending cycle. Or maybe…just maybe as parents we need to change to some new tactic or possibly not sweat the little things and concentrate on the bigger issues that could potentially happen. Maybe…just maybe…if we don’t get all flared up when something small happens and let it be…then maybe our kids as they get older they will have more confidence in coming up to us for advice…you know the later years are basically the more important years…as toddlers or pre-teens it is a bit easier to manage them, but when they hit the Teens that’s the time they are exposed to a lot more and that’s when we need to be there for them…the thing is they have to want to talk to us and trust us.

It seems to not get any easier…even with what we know as parents…the things we could share with them. But if your child simply does not want to hear you out…then what can you do as a parent. Tough love…I don’t think so, ground them, temporary fix, I mean what is there out there that parents can do. Yah there are help support groups…they been around for decades…always covering the same dam issues with kids…so after 30-40 years why do we still need these support groups…I means if we have them and we help the children should there be a point in time that the kids start listening since the parents are going to these supports groups and their parents and their parents…come on…it should finally get better somewhere in time – but we all know it doesn’t. so being a parents too me has become a scary thing…??

The other day I was thinking…should having kids only be just that – having kids? I mean…should we simply have them and then let them be…simply provide them with a roof over their head and food, but other than that let them learn on their own? It sounds bad, but if you stop yelling, it doesn’t mean they will necessarily start listening…but maybe if you stop yelling…it will allow them to learn on their own. Of course if they happen to come up and ask for some advice…as parent you provide it and not necessarily push your idea onto them but simply provide what you know and see if they take it or not. I am not trying to sound cruel…but yah I am only starting off and no I am not giving up…well maybe sort of, but not…I am only trying to understand, “what can parents do to raise a good child or maybe not so good, but a child that will make good decisions or at least try to make good decisions”.

My Perspective:
It’s hard to give my perspective because I am writing this article to get a perspective. I don’t yell, don’t discipline, yell, discipline, do this do that…parenting…it is a job, and it should be rewarding…your children are always rewarding, but the process of parenting can use some work.

I do thank you for reading, till next time Latino Man signing off.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back Pain & Fitness Exercises

I wanted to share something that I am experiencing. As you know I started the Insanity program and about 2-weeks ago I had a minor set back, in regards to my back, I re-injured, slightly but enough that the pain would not allow me to continue  working out until I was better.

Anyhow, it took me two weeks to get back to my old self, sort of speaking, well at least no back pain. So I started back up, but during my downtime I did a little research and of course I am sure many of you are aware, but any heavy impact movements, such as High jumping-Jacks can re-injure any back problems you have.

Ok obviously at the beginning of each DVD there is a HUGE paragraph directly stating to consult a doctor before attempting any of these exercises and if you have back problems it is highly recommended to not attempt it unless of course your doctor approve. And believe you should because even though I was only out of commission for 2-weeks it could have been worse, so definitely check with your doctor.

Anyhow, I went ahead and did consult my doctor, after the fact, but I did explain to him that only certain exercises would cause any pain or discomfort, such as High Jumping-Jacks. The impact when you hit the ground is what does it. Obviously having some kind of mat would help reduce the impact or simply doing small jumps…small…like a 2 year old jumps. Not saying that you should still do them, the thing is that that works for me and my doctor told me as long as I listen to my body and what it is trying to tell me then I should be good.

So right now I am doing the program, but certain exercises I do very gently or not at all. What I do instead is continue doing the previous exercise in its place, resting when needed of course. Now, once again this seems to be working for me, but one other thing and I do emphasis this extremely, please do the stretches before and after, do skip the after stretches because you think you do not needs them, they are in the program for a reason, to help reduce injury and of course the after stretches help in cooling you down. So please make sure to do them.

Like I said this so far seems to be working for me, I will keep you posted on how I progress and of course I will take notes on which of the exercise do not fair well with my Back…LoL. Remember stretch, do any thing that looks like jumping-jacks to the very minimum or do not do them at all. Running in place, take small steps, maybe picking up the speed, but do not lift your legs to high. Which brings me to the High Knees running, do not do them if you feel any discomfort, and instead continue with the small running in place steps. The thing is we want to sweat and shed the pounds; the building up muscles will come with some of the exercises or maybe adding weights to the program, which maybe can be done in the second 30 days of the program.

But for now, if you have any back problems like me, do not attempt any high impact exercises of the program or just do them with small jumps, or small steps. Always consult your doctor before trying any fitness program, I wish I would have done more research on this program, but now that I have it I will work around it, if I can. But loosing weight is not as high on my priority list that keeping my back healthy.

My Perspective:
I know I have post two other times on the same topic, but since i am passingthrough this at the moment I wanted to share it. So, Always consult a doctor. Listen to what your body is telling you, if that movement hurts don’t do it or reduce the speed or height or both if needed. If a movement hurts, then simply continue with the previous exercise until the next exercise you can do comes up, Always rest when needed, because it is better to do it slowly, and take care of yourself than to injure your self and never do anything at all. You will have these DVD’s for as long as you want; so maybe every other day will work for you, but always take care of your self. I will continue doing it and of course post anything I experience with each DVD or exercise.

Thanks for reading till next time Latino Man singing off.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Back Pain Relief– A Possible Solution

I wanted to share this, I thought it was interesting and it might not work for everyone but there may be a few out there it just might help.

Now, I recently posted about my back issues and I wanted to share how I was able to get better. Simply, what I was doing was, at night I was going to sleep on a lazy chair, I had just purchased. Now the bed for some reason was making my back pain worse in the morning and before, when I would get these episodes I would sleep on the floor, but that was not helping out at all, because I was having pain and it was difficult to get up off the floor in the mornings.

So I started sleeping on this lazy chair, recliner. It goes back pretty far, but when I woke up in the morning I felt relieved and my back pain was lessening. It has been three nights now and I am pain free. I am still feeling a bit tight in the lower back, but I plan on sleeping in the recliner for another 2 nights…just to make certain. Actually possibly till Monday morning, that way I can get back into my Fitness program, Insanity this coming Monday morning.

That was on another post that I spoke about it, and I seriously want to get right back in. of course I plan on easing into it, even easing in to it you can still sweat and get a good workout. My only thing is that a few certain exercise moves they perform I will not be doing to that intensity or maybe not at all…depending.

My Perspective:

On back pain, I don’t wish it upon anyone. It is not something that one wants to live with for their rest of their lives, but taking care of your self is vital. So, next time you have some back pain, try sleeping on a Recliner lazy boy chair for about 5 days, making sure to add 2 days even if you feel 100% better…just in case. Also, very important to have strong Abs, maybe not a six-pack, but you need to do some kind of exercise that will work the Abs…to the Core. It is vital for reducing the chances of reoccurring back pain. Please always consult your Doctor before doing anything I mentioned here or that you have read anywhere.

Thanks for reading, stay safe, healthy but be adventures. Till next time Latino Man signing off.