
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back Pain & Fitness Exercises

I wanted to share something that I am experiencing. As you know I started the Insanity program and about 2-weeks ago I had a minor set back, in regards to my back, I re-injured, slightly but enough that the pain would not allow me to continue  working out until I was better.

Anyhow, it took me two weeks to get back to my old self, sort of speaking, well at least no back pain. So I started back up, but during my downtime I did a little research and of course I am sure many of you are aware, but any heavy impact movements, such as High jumping-Jacks can re-injure any back problems you have.

Ok obviously at the beginning of each DVD there is a HUGE paragraph directly stating to consult a doctor before attempting any of these exercises and if you have back problems it is highly recommended to not attempt it unless of course your doctor approve. And believe you should because even though I was only out of commission for 2-weeks it could have been worse, so definitely check with your doctor.

Anyhow, I went ahead and did consult my doctor, after the fact, but I did explain to him that only certain exercises would cause any pain or discomfort, such as High Jumping-Jacks. The impact when you hit the ground is what does it. Obviously having some kind of mat would help reduce the impact or simply doing small jumps…small…like a 2 year old jumps. Not saying that you should still do them, the thing is that that works for me and my doctor told me as long as I listen to my body and what it is trying to tell me then I should be good.

So right now I am doing the program, but certain exercises I do very gently or not at all. What I do instead is continue doing the previous exercise in its place, resting when needed of course. Now, once again this seems to be working for me, but one other thing and I do emphasis this extremely, please do the stretches before and after, do skip the after stretches because you think you do not needs them, they are in the program for a reason, to help reduce injury and of course the after stretches help in cooling you down. So please make sure to do them.

Like I said this so far seems to be working for me, I will keep you posted on how I progress and of course I will take notes on which of the exercise do not fair well with my Back…LoL. Remember stretch, do any thing that looks like jumping-jacks to the very minimum or do not do them at all. Running in place, take small steps, maybe picking up the speed, but do not lift your legs to high. Which brings me to the High Knees running, do not do them if you feel any discomfort, and instead continue with the small running in place steps. The thing is we want to sweat and shed the pounds; the building up muscles will come with some of the exercises or maybe adding weights to the program, which maybe can be done in the second 30 days of the program.

But for now, if you have any back problems like me, do not attempt any high impact exercises of the program or just do them with small jumps, or small steps. Always consult your doctor before trying any fitness program, I wish I would have done more research on this program, but now that I have it I will work around it, if I can. But loosing weight is not as high on my priority list that keeping my back healthy.

My Perspective:
I know I have post two other times on the same topic, but since i am passingthrough this at the moment I wanted to share it. So, Always consult a doctor. Listen to what your body is telling you, if that movement hurts don’t do it or reduce the speed or height or both if needed. If a movement hurts, then simply continue with the previous exercise until the next exercise you can do comes up, Always rest when needed, because it is better to do it slowly, and take care of yourself than to injure your self and never do anything at all. You will have these DVD’s for as long as you want; so maybe every other day will work for you, but always take care of your self. I will continue doing it and of course post anything I experience with each DVD or exercise.

Thanks for reading till next time Latino Man singing off.

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