
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Starting a Business – Looking Into It

The other day I was sitting listening to all the drama and commotion happening at work, and I realized, even though I have a few affiliate sites that are bringing in a little income, it seems that I am still working extremely hard. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the hard work; the thing is that all my hard work is making someone else look good, and make more money.

Now, if I could only channel that energy towards something that is mine, maybe I could start making more money. Now, I have bills to pay and they won’t wait for anyone, so I need to have some consistent income coming in, at least for now…so my thing is yes my affiliate sites are working, but like I said before they take time to build…so I need to find something I can start on my own…a physical business. I personally would like to open up a night club, but that of course takes a bit more money than what I have now. Now, this may sound weird, but I thought about two things…for now. I thought maybe selling cardboard on the side and donating Plasma…yah that’s weird…Plasma, but some places…depending will give up to $240 a month…not sure all the details, but I am going to find out and once I do, I will definitely post about it.

Anyhow, so the later of the things I mentioned above, the cardboard and Plasma selling…I thought maybe the two things combined, might be able to produce about, maybe $1000 a month….if I am able to locate enough cardboard to sell and of course if they pay $240 for the plasma as they mention in their ads. Anyhow, the thing is I would do this only for a short period of time, actually use the money or the part I won’t get taxed on…and invest it…in a few things I have. Or wait, maybe I could accumulate enough alongside what I am saving now…and maybe try and see about opening a night club or investing in one.

I don’t know…I am sure I am like many - many others, we are swimming upstream and it is getting extremely hard to get out or get to where we would like to get. I just feel like sometimes I am simply going to have to work for the rest of my life…no real retirement for me in the horizon…something that is becoming more and more of a possibility for my future. Sad is in-it? To think, I have been working hard since I was about 8 years old…saving…the first time it was all gone was when I first got married…I ended up paying off all of my wife’s debt…which was a lot…I did it, so we could start a life together debt free…together…build…well that went out the door…after she decided to well…I won’t go there…that’s not what this post is about.

Anyhow…so I have been thinking and looking…at some business for sale and there are a few, but I would really like to open up a night club....yah I am stuck on that night club thing…but…anyhow. I have been looking I am crossing my fingers, looking hard, searching, reading, analyzing every options available and maybe one will pop-out to me and allow me to direct all of my energy I have towards profit…but for me. With things looking grim around my day job it has become a bit tense and even though they might tell me that I am safe, it still makes me wonder, when it will be my turn. So, while I can I am searching right now to add some additional income only to provide a cushion…in case. My affiliate sites are doing their thing…don’t get me wrong, it will be nice in say 10 years to have that little extra income coming in with out any effort…or minimum effort on my part. I know it sounds far away…but 10 years before you know it…do sneak up on you.

So for now, I am looking to see if I can start a physical business, whether it is a night club, restaurant, or Beauty Salon maybe something will pop-out to me.

My Perspective:
I understand that things are tough for everyone, and I understand many folks have families that need attention, so your time is precious. But I have to suggest that finding a few minutes out of the day…whether it is 10 minutes a day or 15 minutes every other day…making time to build something on the side or something that is all yours…should be apriority right up there with your family…because eventually we all get old, it gets tougher to work and maybe those are not the reasons…but maybe you want to enjoy your golden years…or at least some years after having to work so long so hard…you deserve it and you kids deserve your presence when they get older, married and with children. I am not trying to sale you any of the affiliate sites I have…but I am saying to search and believe me some affiliate sites do work…you just need to sit down and research all the options and of course take it slow and never forget there is no such thing as a quick rich scheme…time is all you have and the right path and most importantly “Patience”. So get out there and find that extra 100, 200 or even 1000 dollars a month income…generated by something other than your normal job. It is there.

Thanks for reading till next time Latino Man signing off.

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