
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Office Lust

Man….I have make this quick post…I am like going bananas over an office co-worker. I know….I know…it never leads to anything good, well wait it does…but sometimes, well you know. Anyhow…it really isn’t about a dating –relationship thing. It is more of an incredible Lust thing…I mean…I am really certain all of us even those that keep it to themselves have come across a co-worker or friend that you think, “Man I could Eat that Up”….Put a Little BBQ Sauce and work it like a rib…geez.

Anyhow, so there is this co-worker that, well to put it plain and simple is totally hot, I mean it’s one of those hot things that even just her voice is hot, her smiles is outstanding and her body is so freaking awesome that well..Ok…I need to bring it down…I think I will need a cold shower after this post…LOL. Anyhow, so…yah we casually exchange smiles and pleasantries, but other than that…business as usual. The thing is…let me say…I isn’t.the only person on the floor that thinks as I o…there are even a few women that thinks she is hot…now wait and the thing si…and I don’t mean this in a bad way, but dam she is a great worker…well at least I think so.

The thing is that…you know…maybe a drink after work…a happy hour…nothing out of the ordinary…but…I guess it is best to keep it at a distance and well enjoy the scenery. Because let me say one thing…I mean wow…seriously. You know though the thing is I am sure with everyone having a different flavor, she might not be for everyone…but this is my blog and my post…so for me she is SO HOT….OMG…I can’t stop…ok…I stopped.

Anyhow, I thought about sharing this and man…it was good to do so, sort of a relief. Now, for me to try and provide a perspective on this; well…it could be one-sided…but here it goes.

My Perspective:
If you’re single, why not, but seriously…I honestly suggest you don’t, office flings never workout…well for most of them…there are a few I seen make it through. I think it should be more of a eye candy thing…something to look forward to when you get to work and leave it at that.

Thanks for reading, till next time Latino Man singing off.

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