
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Going Back –

So, I not sure if anyone remember me talking about a sister – n – law I have that is pretty well off, financially. Well, she was going through some trouble times with her husband and was in the process of a horrible divorce battle. Ok, let me recap, they live in Mexico, Ensenada, about 2 hour and 30 minutes south of the boarder of San Diego, CA. They started a small company, refilling ink cartridges and well long story short, they turned it into an empire, pretty much having all the market areas from Tijuana to Ensenada, government offices, large and small business and of course the individual consumer.

Anyhow, the husband has a tendency to cheat and was caught in several uncompromising positions, besides being a tyrant, pretty much keeping his wife as a prisoner in a golden palace, he was pretty much a weirdo…when it was done and said. Anyhow, so she left him several months ago and with a large sum of money…he gave her. Now, the divorce, I take it took for a turn he did not like and pretty much closed all the doors for her, well, being the high spender she and he knew this, it was a matter of time where she would return to him and the money…I say the later part.

So in other words she went back, to the no friends, only those he says are ok, no tight shirts or low neck line, no skirts unless they are covering your ankles, no coffee with friend, no movies, hey why since they have a home movie theater, hmmm…let me see…oh yah no outings, and you need to work you’re A$$ of even though you are the owners wife…don’t want any wife of mine sitting at home being lazy, life AGAIN. I don’t understand, I know that maybe she got accustomed to the finer things in life, but what things, when you were either at work from 8-8 and stuck at home the rest of the time. Why…why would anyone go back to being a prisoner? Is the money really that important…or is it really that she really does love him?

Let’s assume that cheating was not the issue here, but the whole being locked up…it just doesn’t make sense to me…being a prisoner is a crazy idea…even with all the money in the world…loosing your freedom…that just does not sit well with me. What you can or cannot wear, who you can or cannot be friends with, including your own family. Having restrictions on whom you can talk with…is beyond understanding with me…yet…people…women and men…always or almost always end up going back to that person. And yet you have the nice men and women out there, always get the short end of the stick or short end of a relationship in this story. It drives me bananas…and I am sure I am not the only one that feels the same way. The only thing that I see that could come out of her going back…is disastrous in all the content of that relationship.

If someone continuously checked my phone, or emails, or would object to what type of clothing I could wear, or the friends I can have had to be approved by my significant other…that would not sit with me. Even if I didn’t have to work, and she provided everything I could dream of, cars (Lamborghini), nice clothes, nice vacations, money too spend, but I was not allowed to see certain people or even family members, could not go to the movies or anywhere else for that matter because we had a home theater or a , was restricted on whom I could see or talk to…that money or material things I’d let go in an instant…and live on the streets if I had to…before having to live my life in that matter…I just can’t see or believe it…that as people anyone can handle that sort of life with anyone…yet we hear it ALL the time. And it happens to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.

Another instant, a person I know…had an abusive husband literally had been sent to jail over 10 times…yet he was welcomed back each time. Then the finally or better said he finally left…live on his own…never bother with the 2 children…no support…nothing. Now, I come to hear she went back to him, but wait…it gets better…during the 6-8 months they were separated and in the process of a divorce she was his bootie call, can you believe that! But now he says he will go to anger management with her…wait…why her, because it seems when they got into physical fights, she would hit him as well, with objects, fists, etc….so she was just as much to blame…now they are getting back together…but wait…when you see her in person…and ask her how she feels…she actually states that she is scared…scared…then why go back to him and that type of life.

I don’t get it…OK…don’t come and tell me its love and that leaving someone is SO hard, because you know what…that is the biggest crock of crap that I have heard and you have heard…and you know it. So why do people do it, hey I heard about this stuff when I was a kid, and I heard it from my parents…it never changes…

My Perspective:
EVERYONE deserves to be happy, so whether you are poor, rich, middle class, or whether you have a job or don’t, or are in a relationship or not…but when you are with someone that makes your life miserable…you need to suck it up and move on. I seriously cannot believe that anyone human is willing to take or live in that kind of abuse…”Love Hurts” you say…baloney. And don’t come telling me I don’t have a clue about what you or anyone lived…and that every situation is different and that this and that is an excuse, or that he or she will change or that my kids are in the middle…no…keep that all to yourself…because I do not buy…and if you are buying into it…then that is you…and if you step back and look at your life and are not happy then you need to find the strength to get out while you still can…it is never too late…never.
Thanks for reading and I hope that for those out there living as prisoners, living in a verbal or physical abusive relationship, living with out freedom….I wish you the strength to find a way out and live as everyone is meant to live…HAPPY. Signing Off…till next time

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