
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Extreme Hot – Weather

So, I am writing this post because it is one of the hottest days in our wonderful city, so extremely hot that the office air conditioning unit broke, couldn’t handle the extreme hot weather. So, the part that is needed is in Tennessee, so it could be a few days before it gets here. In the meantime they sent everyone home from the office and only a handful of people stayed.

Now, I know that maybe 108 is not so hot for some folks, but when you are use to nice comfortable weather, and this happens, it sort of throws your day for a spin and bit difficult to work. Also, the funny thing is that they send out a global email, letting everyone know that you can wear shorts and sandals tomorrow, Tuesday, of course they did mentioned we need to use good judgment…lol. You never know…might get some Daisy Dukes in the office…LOL. Anyhow, so tomorrow should be an interesting day because it will be the most casual we will al see each other…oh yah no spaghetti straps for the ladies…need to hide the under straps…if you know what I mean…hmm.

So one thing about having air conditioning, someone mentioned to me…that it is funny how people now-a-days complain about a little hot weather, well even if it is only for a day. As a society we have come to expect comfort in our everyday lives, I mean think about it…when we were farmers…did we have air conditioning or wait…aren’t there parts of the world where people don’t have air conditioning, windows and even a descent roof over there heads…and man we complain. I guess it’s natural…and a norm. But still…I am continued working my full 8 hours, reason was, had lots of work due by October 1st and I could not take the risk of falling behind, hey I need to keep this job…even if there is no AC – LOL.

So my thing is that tomorrow the company allowed for people to use Shorts and Sandals, but to use good judgment. My thing is I want to see how many people get sent home because of daisy Dukes or something else…LOL. I am actually looking forward to tomorrow…even with this hot weather. You, I am a guy and Latino, I am looking forward to seeing more legs tomorrow…lol.

Anyhow, hope everyone is hanging in there through this hot weather…for those that are experiencing it..if not…well then thanks for reading till next time, Latino Man signing off.

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