
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bad Relationships -

So, I have a pet peeve…I guess and I wanted to get it out, maybe someone is going through this or maybe someone will realize that any information or thoughts mentioned herein…will help someone out. Anyhow, ok so my thing is relationships…ok. I probably touch on this topic a lot and maybe sometimes it may sound like a broken record…yap…yap…yap. Ok, so you may say, but you know I’m not alone and with today’s Twitter, Face Book, MySpace and the hundreds of Social networks…people now can get their thoughts out into the masses. The only thing that stinks is that you will always have some hacker out there trying to break into these sites, and run havoc on people…why…probably because they can…who knows, but any how, back to relationships.
I recently wrote an entry related to my sister-n-law and her situation on her marriage and it has stuck to me. I mean I can’t get it out of my mind why in the world anyone would want to go back to that kind of life. Now, I will not recap the story, please feel free to read the entry in its entirety posted on September 22, 2010. Anyhow, so, the thing is why are there men and women out there, since probably the beginning of time accepting this. When I was a kid, I heard the same stories, as I grew up and was involved in relationships I heard the same stories, of abusive boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. As I got older and out of high school things didn’t get any better…they were the same, whether you lived in the hood or in the Hamptons…it was the same story. Now that I am older, I think, why if we are incredible creatures that can adapt to almost every environment, have landed on the moon, have gone deep into the water, climbed incredible mountains, built incredible structures…science…technology…so why with everything we are capable of doing to we continue to fall into those kinds of relationships…why do they exist?

Seriously…I have had heard every and all the excuses you can imagine…from you don’t now what my life is about to…I love him or her and everything in between and outside and beyond, but what makes it still in existence….why do we fall prey to those kinds of situations. But that’s the ½ of it…what gets to me is that there are actually good people out there really wanting to work at a relationship, that will make it as though they just first met…every day will be like the first time they met…love, laughter, communication and well…come one…that great stuff you both turned over in bed and said WOW…that was amazing…can I get seconds. I mean making love isn’t just about screwing, its about the feeling you have when you caress the person, or kiss their neck and pass your hands over they body; it’s the kissing, the playful smile, the closeness you feel all over when you are butt naked and close to one another. The sensation is one that you both always remembered, but some how lost…with the kids and careers. I mean relationships…everyone talks about it being a job, that you both have to work at it to make it work…a JOB…are you serious, that should be the last thing it should be. It should be something that is as natural as flowing water. There should be no work involved…you should be excited in seeing your partner inn life…everyday you should wake up with a smile, not only because you are alive…but that someone is right next to you…sharing your happiness, your dreams and you.

I mean when did it begin to bother you or him that you gained some pounds or got a little hairier or crows’ feet started appearing…or even your boobs sagging…or his balls sagging…when did that become a problem. Don’t you remember the long showers you took together…come on did you really have time to expect your partner…NO…you were to busy enticed with the softness of her body or the strength of his chest and arms…the kissing the sound of the water pouring out…it never bothered you before…so why now.

People get married because they found a partner, someone that makes them complete…yah I said complete…you know why…because if there were only men or women on this planet…believe me…sooner or later there would be extinction…and no I am not talking about gays or lesbians…I am talking about two creatures that when together create life, not only children…but life together…if you know what I mean. That’s why people get married, it’s the bond, the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of being scared of what the future will hold for both of you…you both share in that dream, that feeling…that’s why you become complete. I don’t believe that people bring in another human being solely to follow in all the badness that is around us…we have off springs because it is a reflection of the love you both have and that child will not only feel the love of the parents but is there to learn to be a BETTER person, contributor to society, to your family tree…you want people to get better…not worse. Yah we all have are ups and downs and everyone can come to me with an excuse…but you know…that’s exactly what they are excuses…because deep inside every one of us…we love the feel of freedom, happiness and love. That’[s what we are meant to do…that’s what we should do and do it.

I don’t know…I see this happening all around me, and sometimes I see my relationship and wonder what happen…I don’t want a job…we should solely be together…happy…as one…work is left outside not in a relationship…it shouldn’t take work.

My Perspective:
I am saddened by the things I hear, and see. Why such beautiful people revert back to living a hell of a life…and the excuses and comments from those that tell me I don’t have a clue…well…I do…and I just think they don’t. So, please step back from an abusive relationship and seriously think about yourself and what you really want…I can tell you this much….it will have happiness somewhere in there.

Thanks for reading Latino Man Signing Off.


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