Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Who Enjoys Sex More, Men or Women - at an Older Age?
I had just left work and was listening to the radio, there is a show I listen to very day that most of the time has some very good and interesting topics, after which they take in callers and let them give their opinion on the topic, which sometimes leads to some very funny comments from their callers.
So the show is hosted by a Latino man and a Latina woman and in today’s show the man brought up an article he found on the internet that talked about how men that are older, and he did mention 40…enjoyed sex more than women of the same age. He said that, men as they get older enjoy sex more and of course look for more sex than women of the same age. Now, to me that’s weird because it’s always the male or man that is looking to get into some panties. He says that the article stated that women as they get older, and of course it mentions kids, marriage and work as the variable to these findings…that these women do not enjoy sex any more and really prefer to avoid the whole sexual thing if they can.
So, I did a search on the net as follows, I typed in Who enjoys more sex men or women at an Older age?, and low and behold almost every header on websites or articles found had the heading as Men enjoying sex more than women as they get older. I mean Time magazine had an article, Fox news from San Diego and Chicago, Yahoo news and a lot more articles from medical researches that had been done…I was really amazed…but then it hit me…it is true…well…at least in my marriage...if we can call it that…the first few month of marriage was amazing…surprising, fun, adventures…and the past 5-6 years it has been more of a job, task…I don’t know…actually the last time I did anything was sometime in May of 2008…and before that it had been wow…2003…maybe…hmmm…well you get the picture. Anyhow…its been a horrible rollercoaster in my relationship…that well that’s a whole other story…but back to the decline in sexual frequency…yah in any relationship…whether you are married or just dating for maybe 3-5 years…it happens…it goes down the tubes or drain or wherever it goes…but it goes.
But why…ok…so in some of these articles it talks about the soccer, PTA, cooking, working, costume making…mother and how well…she is simply to tired…but wait…most of those article also mentioned that a huge percentage…and I really can’t remember the exact percent, but it was somewhere in the upper 60’s…that women actually aren’t tired, but rather they are not happy with their own bodies…they don’t feel comfortable and when it comes to taking of the clothes…if and when they do they prefer the darkness and most of the time they want it over quickly…but the whole not liking myself is the real culprit here…well…that’s according to many articles. Go ahead and do a search you’ll be amazed at what you fine.
The thing is most men…really…seriously don’t look at what you look like not that they don’t think your beautiful…but…its more of what you DO…oh yah…if you get a little wild…do things that will totally catch them of guard…believe me…you’ll get back twice over. Men like the whole, blow job, doggy-style, rid’em high cow girl thing…if he walks in the room and your fresh out of the shower in a robe…knelt down…an you stop him and just pull out his man-hood and start giving him a blow-job…oh yah…not only will you drive him insane, but I believe you’ll really find it hot…watching him get all hot and bothered…it’s a big turn on for both of you.
So, anyhow, sorry got of the topic there, Oh wait…I read one article…this was very interesting and it came from a person placing a comment on the article…so like I said sometimes callers, reader will say some amazing things anyhow…ok…so she writes in the comments section of this article. I have been married for 18 years…she realized that she had so many things to do in her life that sex had become a distant thing that was rarely ever done…I mean she said they might have had sex once every 2-3 months…yah…wow…ok. So she realized this and she saw that their lives became a routine, monotone…plain…simply boring life…they loved their kids, their job and well that was pretty much it. So here is the interesting thing she wrote, her husband was turning 40…so she decided to give him an unusual gift for his 40th. She was going to give him the gift of sex, everyday for one year. So she told him about it, and to her surprise he declined…she was taken back by his rejection. The thing is he thought it was just not a realistic thing for a couple of parents…she didn’t give up and finally convenience him that she wasn’t joking and that she would make the effort to make sure they had sex every day for one year…that’s 365 days…ok. So, she continues to write, they did have sex everyday for one year…during which time they earned a lot from one another and there whole sexual intimacy. Their sex lives became exactly what each wanted…they were fulfilled completely and now they have sex 3-4 times a week. So, there you have it…wow…ok I am not saying that everyone could follow her lead, but it was definitely interesting what she had done.
Anyhow, please read the article below, I found it interesting:
Marital Sex - The Decline of Sexual Frequency over Time.
The frequency with which couples engage in sex is affected both by the partners' ages and by the duration of their relationship. In general, older couples have sex less frequently than younger couples. For example, sociologist Vaughn Call and colleagues (1995) surveyed over six thousand married people living in the United States and reported that sexual activity was highest among the youngest respondents (those ranging in age from nineteen to twenty-nine, who had sex approximately ten to twelve times per month), became progressively lower in older age groups (e.g., four to seven times a month among forty- and fifty-year olds), and reached its nadir among respondents in their seventies (who engaged in intercourse with their spouses less than twice a month). The majority of studies also find that the longer couples have been married, the less often they have sex (Rao and DeMaris 1995; Samson et al. 1991). This decline may be greatest during the first year or the first few years of the relationship. For example, William James (1981) analyzed diaries kept by newlywed couples over the course of their first year of marriage. Couples reported having sex on seventeen or more occasions during their first month of married life; however, by the end of the year, their rate of intercourse had declined to approximately eight times a month. Because these two age-related factors are linked—as a relationship ages, so do the partners—it is difficult to know for certain whether it is chronological age that causes the decline in sexual frequency or habituation from being with the same sex partner year after year. Both factors probably play a role in producing lowered levels of sexual activity. For example, as men and women age, changes in their physical abilities, increased incidence of illness, and negative attitudes about sex in the elderly may contribute to a less active sex life. At the same time, the loss of novelty that results from having sexual intercourse with the same individual may reduce levels of activity.
Various events that occur during the course of a couple's relationship also are associated with changes in sexual frequency, including factors related to birth control and pregnancy (e.g., lack of interest during pregnancy), to children and child care (e.g., lack of privacy, fatigue), and to work (e.g., heavy work schedules, fatigue) (Greenblat 1983). All of these factors may play a role in limiting a couple's desire and opportunity for sex. Of course, some couples return to previous levels of sexual activity once they adjust to their circumstances or after the situation resolves itself. Other couples, however, become comfortable with the lowered levels of intercourse; they may cease to have sex altogether and/or they increasingly may engage in nonsexual forms of affection and contact.
Credits: Marital Sex - The Decline Of Sexual Frequency Over Time At http://family.jrank.org
My Perspective:
I know we all have different lives and live through different situations and not everyone fits nicely into a sex-love mold, but I think for those that are just starting out in their relationship, please don’t loose that loving feeling, find the time…there is always time…get plenty of rest…and put in the effort…I know we are all going to difficult times…but we need to stick together and making love is the best prescription anyone can take. If you are beyond repair...then move on…and be kind to yourself and enjoy life…kids…friends…family…but most importantly…make love.
Thanks again for reading…Latino Man signing off…till next time.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hard Times – “2K Depression”

Well, not sure where the news is getting their information, because my house is still under $85,000 and I just got my hours cut at work 6.25%, and the last raise I got was in 2008…so I am not sure where all this news about we are recovering is coming from…I mean the Banks won’t help anymore because, guess what…we are in recovery…so why would I or you need any help. We should all be happily employed, and happily making our low interest rate mortgage…right…well…once again…I don’t know where these guys are getting their numbers or news…because sooner or later, probably sooner I will be one of those many statistics of foreclosure…because as soon as they raise the those rates and you know that will happen since we are on the road to recovery and well we need to start making those bonds more interesting for our foreign friends…so let’s start raising those interest rate…and BAM…a myriad of new foreclosures…that’s what I see…hey…that’s what I believe is going to happen…of course I hope I am wrong.
But any how, you see, read and hear that the market is up, the economy is moving forward, companies are not laying of as much as they use to…but what is the truth…come on…I can barely afford to buy groceries, I mean…ok…I may not be at the worst position, but I grew up poor…there came a time in my young life…where I had to dumpster dive…oh yah…cold nights…no food…I have seeing oh many things…but one thing I have learned is to keep on fighting, but you know…as you start to get older…your body doesn’t handle those type of things as well as before…so I am getting tired and all this talk about Health reform, loan modifications…come one Loan modification…have you heard the statistics on that…only 3% of the outstanding loans have been modified…there are millions of people like you and me out there trying to get some help and all we do is fill out paperwork, and try to justify why I can’t make my payments, then you banks telling you what you need to do in your life…ok…no piano for your kids, cut back on the second cell phone, maybe you should not have cable television…or wait…shoes…you should maybe cut back on that spending as well…then well then you can pay the banks nearly all the same mortgage payment you were paying before…all they did was debt consolidate for you…using your money…there is no help in that. That’s why they want to know exactly where your money is going…if you send an extra 20 or 50 dollars to your credit card…stop, reroute that to your mortgage payment…you see they move things around for you…to buy time…and hope when your house has equity they can refinance into another loan and of course charge you all those closing costs…wait roll that into the new loan…yah…buying time is what I think that Banks are doing.
Anyhow, Many of us maybe did not see the great depression…and could not make comparison only read about it, but you know…I times are hard right now and we need to let our government officials know this…see this…before making foolish decision, that affect our lives.
In recovery…I don’t think so, just wait for it…you’ll see…next Commercial industry will fall…small business closing…yah…
My perspective:
Banks need to simply lock everyone to a 2% interest rate, eliminate all seconds…any new mortgages well that should be determined as it always has been, sorry to say…but buyers today are getting bargains…more house for their buck…so fair is fair…if I was new coming into the market…I would certainly be ok with paying the fair interest rate that I deserve according to my credit rating…simple…but for those that had perfect credit and build a life, and now do to no fault of their own their house is less than what they owe…yah…we should get a locked rate of 2% and have our seconds eliminated.
Thanks again for reading…Latina Man signing off…till next time.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Protect Your Computer - How I do It
Welcome to another posting, I appreciate you talking the time once again to stop on by and read what I have to share. You know actualy it's really cool that I am able to show more of something when I talk about it. The reason I did this was to be able to show you the object or topic I was talking about, and what a better way to do it than to show the product / topic details, information and sometimes video of the things or material things I use during my everday life. So funny thing is that my first topic I will discuss today...with pictures and a link that will show you where you can get it at a great price or at least get more information on it, is going to be Norton Internet Security.
Now, please once again, this is only for informational purposes, there is no need to purchase through the link on the left, but if you clicked on it, it will at least give you some great information on the product I will be discussing or items or ewhatever else I might be sharing that day, without having to buy or at least it will display here on this blog without having me host or store pictures on other sites then redirect them here and then talk about them...too much work, so the links you see here are solely for informational purposes, if you did decide to purchase, hey come on I'd be crazy not to offer through me...hey...once again no need.
So let me go on, I have been using computers since the Vic20...yah I said Vic20...hey remember the Commodore 64. Ok well, I am a huge computer nerd...well...I like to play, code, and just doodle with computers any way I can, and of course through out the years we have seeing the increase of computer power, internet and so many new applications and widgets/gadgets that you can use, but with all those wonderful things there comes the possiblility of hacking, threats or prying eyes on your personal computer. So of course we need a good form of protecting our computer, especialy if you cruise the internet as much as many poeple do these days. So, I have tried many computer protection software applications, McAfee, Spydoctor, and well...you know, the thing is not everything is 100% perfect...come on...there is always someone out there trying to break in, out, etc. So, with a combination of good common sense and a realiable internet protection software, I believe you can dodge those prying eyes.
Let's first talk about common sense, we all know and heard that you shouldn't open emails from someone you don't know...we all have seeing the famous commercial..."Want to Get Away", you know which one I am talking about, so first thing is, if you don't know who sent it, don't open it. Now, sometimes you'll see a friends name, but the email address looks different, first thought is, maybe he/she change his/her email and he/she is sending me his/her new email...STOP...call the friend first and make certain, it's more than likely that isn't them and bam they got you. Ok, now comes some outside intervention...I personally have used Norton Internet Security for the past 5-6 years, simply because it is a name brand; people know it like Microsoft is known, which means there is money spent on development of the product, which means you'll have a better chance protecting your computer using them. Like I said nothing is 100% protection, but with common sense and Norton you have a better chance at prying eyes from unwanted visitors.
Now, one of the cool features of Norton Internet Security is that when you surf the net, you'll get a green check mark that indicates the site is ok to visit, which makes it nice when you are surfing the net and you get 1000 hits on one of your searches, then all you do is browse those that have the green check mark...common sense. Norton also has many other features that I am certain you'll like, such as Identity Theft protection, cards & Logins and so on. Ok. great, a few other minor things I do to protect sensitive information or personal items on my computer is, I do not store personal information on my computer, there are things available such as USB drives to store files...yah...yah you can loose them...la-la-la...ok...but we have all lost our keys at one point or another or wallet or both...so it's just a matter of protecting that USB or external drive like you would your wallet. Speaking of external hard drives those are great, larger storage and of course away from you internet computer and prying eyes; external drives and USB's cards can be disconnected before loggin into the internet. So try not to store personal information directly on your computer; second, try not to download too many applications, you know what I am talking about, widgets and Apps, etc to your computer. Come on...I have seeing some of my friends desktops and MAN...those things look like my garage...yah...full of crap that you really never use. These widgets and Apps will slow down your computer, for one, plus it will give possible hackers ways to get into your computer...those application, widgets, etc, believe it or not are like doors...so the next time you are going through your computer cleaning house, check for unnecessary things such as widgets that you honestly know you don't need...ok...I know we all use facebook, etc, but come on...some of those widgets...you can do with out...come on you know who you are.
So just to summarize, what I do to protect my computer; don't open emails from unknown senders, don't store personal information on your computer such as, SSN, Bank Account numbers, passwords, etc. don't download every widget/application out there, and of course the last thing, I recommend Norton Internet Security for a complete computer protection plan....hey that's just me...I have it on my computer...so tha comes from a Latina Man sharing his experience.
Oh one last thing, when it is time to renew...I highly suggest that you go out and buy a new box, don't re-order through the automated system...it's like $50 or more per computer...crazy...now for about $36 you can protect 3 computers...so that's my last tip when it comes to Norton. Sorry Norton...need to keep these peeps at a reasonable budget.
My Perspective:
Please remember these are not sales pitches...I am not a sales person, these are not ficticouis stories, because you can read about Norton; these are experiences from a Latino Man, straight and simple, use it, or don't...we all have choices. All I do is offer what works for me and what I like to use, if you do enough research on what you are looking for, then you'll come up with your own decision. Thanks again and stop by again soon for another post.
Signing off Latino Man
Monday, March 15, 2010
Is It My Yard or Is it My Neighbors’ –

I had to blog this; I thought this was hilarious, well at least for me it was. Ok, not sure if anyone else reading this might be aware, but in the city of San Diego, there is an ordinance on the usage of water, or better yet watering your grass. You see we are in a drought and they designated certain days of the week for people to water their grass. Well, my grass since then has gotten brown, dry…it doesn’t look all that bad, but I had the greenest yard in the neighborhood and well it looks semi brown. Anyhow, so I did a little research and have tried this before with my grass, and what I do works for me, ok…so I was letting the grass grow since this past December, it didn’t look like a jungle, especially since the draught the grass really wasn’t growing, plus I have no weeds…really I don’t. So anyhow…there were a few patches on my lawn that for some reason was noticeably bushier than the rest of my lawn, but once again it was much taller than half the distance towards my knee…not to tall. Plus that area was green. Why was I allowing it to grow taller was, to protect the roots/ground from drying up…I was trying to create some shade…so the little water that it was getting would ,maintain a bit longer. If the grass is to short the Sun would hit directly closer to the roots of the grass, turning it brown or drying it up completely.
So anyhow, Yesterday I picked up my son to drop him off to a birthday party, well this was around 1:20 or so…anyhow I get back to the house around 4:30pm…and low-an-behold someone had cut my grass… mean they cut it down to almost the dirt…I totally freaked out. You see I have several neighbors that have a different type of grass than I do, theirs looks almost like a thin rug…no strands…ok I don’t know the name, but my grass is Kentucky Blue grass, plush and longer strands so you can’t cut my grass like theirs. Anyhow, I don’t know who did it or why they did it, but if it had anything to do with it looking bad, which it didn’t, they could have knocked on the door and said something, at which point an explanation of why the grass was long could have been provided or maybe they thought they were doing us a favor, of course nice gesture but once again it was cut wrong…now to make things worst they did a very BAD job in cutting it anyhow…I mean seriously if you drove by you’d think that whom ever cut it needed glasses…badly.
So I ask, was it ok for a neighbor to simply cut my grass without asking me? I told a co-worker and they said I should knock on everyone’s door until I find who did it, I thought I should wait, since I will need to let it grow again, and if it happens again then at that point find out who did it. Crazy, and to think people are broke or in a tight bind every where and to come over and cut someone else’s grass, using up gas or electricity…having to dump the clippings…come one…crazy. Ok, well got that of my chest - LOL.
Thanks again for reading, Latino Man signing off till next time.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Is Anyone There?

You know the other day I was talking to a friend of mine and it was weird, because I really don’t know the person that well, but we are friends. Anyways, we were just talking about the economy and the stock market and other things and during the conversation he brings this up to me. He says, hey Latino Man, well that’s not what he said, but he says, ”how long you’ve been married?”, I was taken back a little, since the weird thing is...I have been going through some issues in my marriage, those that well are not that good and anyhow I blurted out almost 13 years. He then asks me if my significant other talks to me; well that was weird…I wasn’t sure how to answer and well joking around I says, “Not much” and started to laugh. Well at that moment there was a brief silence, you know that weird silence. I told him why the question, he says, well you know I have been married a little over 5 years and I noticed that we just don’t talk anymore….weird I know he says but actually when I talk she doesn’t listen. I saw the frustration in his eyes or maybe more of a worried look, but I says to him, you know the truth we really don’t talk much. The only real conversation we have is about our kids or this may sound weird, but we talk about EQII or better said she talks. He looks at me and says what's…EQII…what’s that? So I explained that it was an online game that we…or better said she has been playing for the past 5 years. And he started laughing and said wow…ok you win. So we both just laughed.
Now, as we continued our conversation he mentions that he wishes they never got married and stayed friends, because they had so much more fun as friends and they talked about everything and anything. He remembers staying up late at night talking to her either in person or on the phone, but they just talked, lots of laughter, special words, a stolen caress…you know. Well, I told him, we get older and at some point for some reason we decide to start a family, you know we think about sharing all the fun things we talked about, the special moments we have, not just with that person but with little people, our kids. But you know I said, it's weird but for many couples that goes away after marriage…I says to him…and to be honest I don’t know why. He mumbles something and says…yah…I don’t know why either. We began talking about our kids, he has a 9 month old and is seriously proud…well…I can’t imagine one dad out there that doesn’t get that funny felling about there first born…yah we brag. But he then says something weird, but it made sense…in someway. He says, you know, maybe people should NOT get married, you know, just live together and have kids…I thinks, he says, it could be that darn “I do” that kills everything, maybe people feel locked or cornered and once the years go by they start living in there own little world just to get by each day…they might care but they are not really there anymore, I just looked at him and nodded my head…hmm you might have something there.
I mention to him that the other day I was trying to talk about something and my significant other just read a magazine and nodded as I spoke…I stopped talking and disappeared into another room. Later that night when everyone was saying there good nights…she says, hey were you not saying something or other…I mumbled and said, “nothing important” and walked away. Long story but I am having some issues in my marriage, something I could touch on later. Anyhow, so it was time to head out and we said our goodbye's…as he walked to his car and just before he got there…he says, could you not mention this to anyone…I grinned and said of course…then he says…hey you up for some coffee tomorrow…I grinned again and said of course.
So why is it that so many marriages or couples just stop talking, weird, but the other day I was talking to a lady friend of mine and I think that was the most I have spoken to someone in years and you know the funny thing…she listened…and that really made me feel good. Anyhow, I think that most women have a misconception of men, yah we might be horn dogs but when it comes down to it…we like someone to listen to what we have to say…I mean really listen…lol. Ok, well I wanted to share that with you before I forgot.
Thanks for reading and please stop by again, I am starting to do some Pod casts, you can get to them by navigating to the right top corner of your screen where you’ll see the links.
Latino Man signing off…till next time…"listen closely you might be amazed at what you hear”.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Our Work Place – Our Economy – Our Lives

Welcome to another blog entry and another topic I believe is extremely hot these days. I would like to talk about our economy, but particularly on the subject of employment.
Now it’s all over the news, we hear it everyday or read about it everyday…yah ok…the media is pulling away from the subject of unemployment, but its still there lurking in the back…ready to pounce hard one day…soon. You see…I wanted to talk about what’s really going on, well, what I think is going. You see, after the real estate bubble burst in 2007-2008 …every aspect of every ones life changed. You see, not only did we see a drop in housing prices, but we also saw a huge up in gas prices…come on…oil commodity shot up to nearly 114 a barrel…and of course when gas prices go up…everything else goes…you know it, such as all foods, goods and well business costs.
Now as with many companies, lay offs was the beginning of things to come. You see unemployment up…high…and some states awfully high and well you see what I am talking about...its happening to everyone. Now, I wanted to touch on the job situation, you see at my job, I have seen three or four waves of layoffs and just recently a reduction in working hours…now that doesn’t mean the work load went down as well…you see…the people that are working now…have to take on many roles and do many more things in order to keep working and of course keep the company from laying off more people…so those few that are left has had to kick it up a notch…anyhow…the reduction in work hours as well as a freeze on raises…yah…you see…many of us…well….many of those that make a certain amount…had no raise in 2009…and now everyone this year 2010 gets no raise and a reduction in hours....so as I said I am not trying to jinks our way of lives…but I thinks that things will get worst before the get better.
Now, I have been lucky to have kept my job…the thing is I not only have a 8-5 job or wait a minute a 8-4.30 job, but I also am a license Real Estate agent and believe me there are only a hand full that are still keeping a float…I have seeing hundreds of agents just through up their hands and quit. I also have my Notary and I am running a website business…of course all those things…have gotten hit hard and well…many talk about hanging in there, but really how much longer can we hang in there before it becomes to much.
I am not trying to sound negative, but since 2007..its been a drive down hill and well…its not all fun when you are only headed in one direction, but yes I do keep my chin up for my family…kids…they don’t have a clue…they hear, but really don’t understand and I will keep it that way. Any how… wanted to share this, to let you know that you are not alone, there are many…many others like us out there trying to make it, some have it worst than others and we can only hope for the best. I certainly appreciate the time you took to read this and please feel free to share your story, you know I feel a bit better now that I got that off my chest.
Till next time, thanks for reading…Latino Man signing off
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