
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trying to Find Other Income

You know like many of us we try and find some kind of legitimate way of increasing our income or maybe replacing the income we currently make. But, withal those affiliate programs on the net, Avon, Amway, and other business opportunities…it seems that once you find something that is real…bam…it turns south. Now, I have tried everything…for the past 20 years, yes…placing little ads in newspapers, to selling in the swap meet, to vending machines to Amway, to Real Estate to loan Processing…well the later two actually do work and I am active, but of course times are rough and that doesn’t come in as easily as before.

But the thing is whenever you find something…that really feels good or that you researched for months and feel man this could work…then you go head in and a few months down the income starts to dissipate, making you wonder what is going on.

Now, I found a few online opportunities that I believe the concept and business plan made sense, the thing is if you don’t have the money to start your own business and you try and piggy-back on someone else business…that seems to always never work for us trying to find something.

So yah the business concept looks solid, but you need 50 to 100 thousand dollars to get started…so how many of us have that laying around. So you entrust yourself and spend say 1500 dollars to get into the business, the thing is you need to count on someone else for the majority of the process…then you really can’t see what you are really making…it becomes tough and all of a sudden you are left with the short end of the deal…you thought would make you some money.

I am currently running an affiliate business, and I started about 3 years ago, you know what…it has taken me just a little over three years to even start seeing some kind of checks in the mail. Yah the affiliate program is actually paying for the marketing and I have a little left over…ok…nothing to write home about…but I am talking about 300-500 dollars a month…but maybe by the time I retire I will be able to have at least 600-1000 dollars a month..Not rich but that little income can sure come in handing when I am living in a 1 bedroom apartment…ok…well you know what mean.

So my point here is there are some programs out there that do work, but they certainly are not going to get you rich quick and possibly not rich at all, but you will see some income…why…because 97 percent of the people that try it out give up after the first 6 months to a year…so unless you stick it out like I did, you won’t see a dime, but if you set it and forget it…you could eventually see 300-500 a month after 3 years on a 60 dollar a month marketing budget…yah that’s what I was spending up until recently…I now spend 300 a month and some months I am left over with 150-200 dollars. I am eventually going to put that back into the marketing and see if I can also increase the income coming in.

The thing is I really want to make certain I have money when I retire, sure I have a job now, I have a 401(K), I have my Real Estate license, which I do close 1 or 2 transactions a year, yah I am have this business online and yes it is giving me some income, but I would really like to rest easy that when I retire I will have some nice income. Ok, I am not asking to be living in a 10,000 square foot home or vacationing every year to an exotic location, but just having income for something. And most importantly I really do not prefer to have to work when I am 70 years old…not looking for that.

I just wished if someone did find something that could be shared among individuals and still make a nice income…say 3000 a month…and yes it should take work on our part, but if you put in the time…you should see a return on your investment and time. Having a business that works, and sharing to the world, but then really only allowing them to make smitten while their business makes even more money off of your hard work…really sad and well it happens, which it shouldn’t.

Ok I sound like a huge complainer and probably only venting, but you know…over these many…many years I come to find I am not the only one. People are wiling to work if they can truly make some residual income. Where can we find a business like that, or where can we find an individual that is willing to take on 5-10 people and their money and make it work…that would be fantastic…and possibly a great way to make money.

In the meantime, right now the business I have, is working….slowly but it is working and I would highly recommend it…it’s free and with a shoe-string budget of 60 a month you can begin building…I say building the business to eventually provide you with residual income. If you are interested, click on the Tab above named Income and read about it…it doesn’t cost a thing and only takes a few minutes to read…plus I tell you about the marketing I use and works for me.

Hey I appreciate you reading my blog and till next time Latino Man signing off. Remember it’s out there, we’ll find it…things will be ok.

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