
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

To Believe or Not Believe – That is the REAL Question

When you are in a relationship, whether it is just starting out or you have been together for many…many years, it seems that there are times in the relationship that have doubts. Now, many people believe that being married changes things and the way you approach each argument, plus if you include any children in the equation that will also determine how you approach the argument.

The thing is what I believe that in any relationship whether you are married or not have children or not, the most important ingredients in the relationship are the 2-people that are in the relationship. You see without having 2 happy people that are the relationship, everyone else is affected. So whether you are always fighting and arguing, the people are around you, including children are affected…if you are happy they are happy if you are angry then it will spill over onto those you love…what good will the relationship be if you are not happy…because eventually you could end up separating…or in some case even worse, do something that will forever change everyone’s lives.

So if all those around you depend on the 2-people making it happen then why not make your relationship with each other - work, make it happy, take time for each other…free time, dates, whatever it takes to have time alone together…never to forget that you – 2 – are the core of the relationship or family. I know times are tough, money is tight, finding someone you trust with your kids is tough…but you know what…it can be done, but most importantly it needs to be done for the health of the relationship and family.

We always start off in love, with life and each other…the thing is that many fall into this daily routine and begin settling in…to the point that you forget why you two are together and why you two want to be together, start a family and retire old…that can never be…so making time for each other whether you are married or not, but in a long relationship need to be at the top of your priority list. Because if it is not, then problems, resentment, health issues, and all sort of issues arise and begin eating away at both of you. The little things becomes a huge issue, no communication, begins to wear on the relationship and it begins to spill out onto your love ones, work, life in general becomes a headache.

You know, after too many arguments and complaints those talks that you both have that seems to finally fix the issues at hand…become like an old broken record. When does either of you begin believing in what the other person says, if the previous 10 times they made empty promises, and you both end back to where you started from…more resentment, pain, loneliness, and anger. Do you or the other person finally say it is enough and decide for the both of you…can anyone of us take that responsibility that could change not only your life, but theirs and possibly any children or other family members that maybe part of the family. Maybe it is a burden that one of the two of you will need to take in order to get out of the unhealthy relationship and move on.

The thing I am trying to talk about here is, when do you stop believing in what your significant other promises or says they will do? Can they really change…I think anyone can change…it’s a matter of them wanting to. Change what you say, well we are all different, and certain things about us makes us whom we are…but other things could have manifested from experience that may not be healthy…those things that are not really part of who you are can be changed, if they want to keep what they have or reach a certain goal.

I don’t think anyone should ask someone else to change, but they can tell them know what they want and it will be up to the other person if they want the same thing(s), then they can decide to change or not. But someone has to make the decision when the two of you continue on the same path; it will be a lot to carry, but it will diminish as time goes by and you will both be better for it…especially any children that maybe in between.

I know it is tough…because not every relationship is the same and not everyone is the same, but we all basically want the same thing, tranquility, love, and happiness…to what extent that may be different. I don’t know I could be talking into the wind, the thing is that decisions, those that are the toughest sometimes need to be met head on.

My Perspective:
I guess this whole article is my perspective. When do you decide that all you are getting is empty promises, is it after 2 times or 3 times or 100 times…what ever you feel is good for you, but there does need to be a limit set and a time for one of you to take the responsibility to – move on.

Thanks for reading, Latino Man signing off.

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