
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting it Done

Things are coming to a weird point….what I mean is Life itself. I need to get a hold of it and start moving forward again. I think these past several years I have felt stagnated, as though my life has made no forward progress. I need more and need support to go with it. Trying to juggle many things in my life has become more of a circus show than life itself.

I don’t know anymore what I am doing if it is part of an act or if it should be something to do with life and how we want to live it. Many of us talk about living life to the fullest, enjoy the moments, but how do we do it or get back on track on doing it? I know we all don’t have a perfect life…you know, that perfect job, family kids and heck heading to a perfect retirement possibly early…no…I am sure we all have nothing in the bank to even consider a retirement any time soon or kids that don’t get into trouble or a family life that doesn’t require some kind of tension, yelling or arguments…about who didn’t put more toilet paper in the bathroom. We all move along each day as though we are clinging to the river banks…trying so desperately to get onto shore and on solid ground.

We all seem to be paddling along and really never moving anywhere…almost like a whirlpool…with no really grip on life or substance. Of course some of us end up drowning and some make it to shore on solid ground and start on the road to where you wanted to be.

Many of us look for the New Year to be the time we decide on a new beginning…a new solutions or the time to set goals. It could be form loosing weight, to making time for fun activities to quick smoking and to saving more money…but the thing is that statistically 70% of those new year resolutions never pan out…people simply give up or stop dead cold. I don’t know if those that make it through their New year resolutions have some secret to getting it done…or maybe they have the Mojo…whatever it is it would be nice if we could bottle it up.

The thing is that I hate trying to make a New Year’s resolution they never seem to pan out…so maybe if I approach it differently this year or this time around….I will get it done…whatever I put my mind to…who knows. The thing I might still lack in my situation is the “support” part of it…but I guess I can figure that out…still have a few weeks before the New Year.

My thing is…wanting to get ahead…financially…I know I can, I just need the opportunity. Because the work part of it is not missing…I will work hard, smart or whatever it takes…I just need the opportunity. I know nothing is free…so the opportunity is what I am looking for.

My perspective:
Don’t use the New Year as a time to set a goal or make plans for the New Year, take the time now to plan, and I mean plan smart within your means…and then execute. Do it for you no some superstition, not for anyone else but for you.

Thanks for reading my blabbering…till next time Latino Man signing off.

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