
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Change – Is NOT Possible

I recently posted a topic or topics and some where in there I talked about change and sometimes the need for us to make the change which at times can be really difficult. But as I read through it and the thing s I am going through now I not only at a personal level by a professional level…”Change” is many times not possible. We can change certain things, but many things that go on everyday in our lives…even little things…sometimes cannot be changed.

Now, when you think about it…sometimes we hope for the best and try to change things, well those that we can or we try, but when it comes down to it…if you look back at some of those things you supposedly changed…they some how crept back and you are right back to square one. So, maybe it is noticeable or maybe not…but look around you and there is a good possibility that something you might have worked on changing…could be right back in your life.

Now, I am not trying to be negative here ok…don’t take my post the wrong way…but I wanted to point something out about what I noticed around me…not only personally but professionally. Even at work things that people have meetings on or committees that work through a project, process or whatever it may be…something to improve the bottom line for the company or business…well…I noticed that those 6 months of meetings and possibly tens of thousands of dollars spent on the committee…you know time and salaries of the individuals involved…pretty much seem to be written off. Because the issues or processes ends right back to where it started from…the work that was done…is for nothing.

And that doesn’t go only for work process and projects, etc. it happens in our life, with relationships, raising kids, love, etc…things such as New Year resolutions may get started but end up right back on our shoulders. What I am trying to say about this is that we try and make changes we would like to see done, but it seems that in most cases our efforts and or work seems to be for nothing. So why would anyone of us put ourselves through those kinds of regimens? Couldn’t we just avoid the work or loss of money and time and simply continue with what we were trying to change…because when you think about it…most of won’t make the necessary change unless something horrible happens…because it is then that we make the change because of a loss of a love one or a drastic injury to ourselves…maybe loosing you job and house…will bring about changes in how you control your finances…whatever it maybe …it all comes down to making the change whether it be by your own means or because of a drastic event in your / our lives.

My Perspective:
It’s tough to give my perspective because I could simply say why bother making change…why not wait until something drastically or huge event causes you to make the change without your opinion. Because if you try it just because you want to…it seems never to pan out…or for many of us…it does not pan out or it comes right back. Or you can go ahead and attempt a New Years resolutions and hope that in 6 months or year it doesn’t come back…if that is the case then good luck.

Thanks for reading till next time Latino man signing off.

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