
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mens Magazine – Not the Same

I thought this was interesting. Now, I have read Men’s Health magazine and other men’s magazine, not Playboy, but other magazine. Any how, lately I have been reading Cosmopolitan, yah I have been reading that. You know I think I even posted about an article I read in it a few blog post ago. Anyhow, so I come to realize when doing a comparison that women magazine provide their reader, which is women targeted, with more information on how to court a man, keep a man or simply make a man happy. Now, there are some articles that directly tell women on what to say to their man in order for the women to get her thing on…or even have a fantastic “O”.

So, I was reading and I started comparing and I realize that the men’s magazine’s don’t provide that kind of insight or articles. It would be great to have article that tell men on experiences that other men have had, maybe dealing with sexual issues, or dealing with kids, or things that are on every mans mind, when they are single and when they are married or in a relationship. You been in my forties, I have had the opportunity to hear a lot of men’s issues with heir girlfriends, or wives and seriously they always seems to be similar issues among all the men I talked to. So if there are men out there that have been able to get through these concerns, then why not right an article about it…maybe not everyone might agree with the idea, but that’s what it would be, and idea, and options…some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.

I mean…women complain that men’s mind are simple, or single minded…only on sex, well, I hate to break the news to you ladies, but that is not completely true. We enjoy sex…heck…I know most women also. But there are other things that we would like as well. I am pretty sure if you just hang out with your guy, and talk to him, and not about your friends, or kids, but about him and you…sit with a glass of wine, a cold beer or heck a glass of water and talk, and listen. The thing is don’t sit at the dinning table, but in a loveseat that’s why the couch was giving that name it is all about the LOVEseat. Use it to sit next to each other and talk, but most importantly cuddle…I promise your guy will definitely enjoy the time together and it doesn’t necessarily need to lead to sex, but if it does…I am pretty sure it will be all the better.

The thing is that men’s magazine don’t need to always teach a guy to look good, to attract the ladies, but they need to provide information on how to be yourself, how not to be nervous about talking to a women, and if they put you down for whatever reason learn to talk it through and let them know how it made you feel…or simply brush it off…but gracefully. Just because we are men, doesn’t mean we can’t be a man and still shed a tear.

I don’t know…but maybe I am completely wrong and maybe I haven’t seen or read all the articles in those Men’s magazine…the thing is that there should be articles written for men, to provide them with insight on the many issues that men experience while in a relationship. Men helping men…providing advice, experiences or even just knowing that you are not the only “Man” going through what you are going through.

My Perspective:
Maybe we need something out there for Men, to share information, ideas, thoughts, experiences and some advice. We can get the older generation to provide what they been through and have the younger generation prove insight on what they are going through…together, maybe we can share options on how to deal with all the issues that we as men are going through or been through.

I appreciate the read, till next time Latino Man signing off.

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