
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Monday, April 18, 2011

When You 1st Meet – What To Talk About?

You know I was sitting in my truck the other day during lunch and I was just looking out the window looking at the clouds get darker and the wind pick, but what was interesting was that and a few couples or better said people…man and women, probably not yet together, you know the first stage of meeting and getting to know one another. Well, I was thinking to myself, I remember when I was first out on the scene you know dating or playing the field sort of speaking, but anyhow…so I remember that when I first approached a women, I thought to myself what in the heck am I going to say to her. Of course you always hear about the famous pickup lines, but I could never bring myself to using any of them. I thought well to be honest I thought they were stupid and when I got together with some my friends we talked about them and could not believe that they sometimes worked, whether the line actually worked or the women thought it was so cute or well pathetic that they obviously had to talk to the guy. Anyhow, so I never used the lines and well a large percentage of the times I tried…well it did not go well.

I was shot down; the thing is I always started out with either a hello, what’s your name or in some clubs I would ask them to dance. Now, the thing is I started thinking what actually works in order for anyone to actually meet someone, but not just meet, but keep the conversation going. I guess when I thought about it, it actually never came down to what the pick up line was, but actually of the individual, girl/guy, liked you. You see, I really don’t care what anyone says, the first thing that brings your attention to someone is their Looks, of course everyone has different flavors, but there is something that you will find attractive about the person before you even begin to talk to them.

So I believe that first you need to attract someone; then once you do approach them and they find you attractive they will allow the conversation to continue, whether you gave a corky pickup line or not. So this hwole thing about what should I say, really should not concern you, because either case what ever you say, it really comes down to you attracting someone, from there everything else falls in place.

So, as I go back and look at some of these couple walking around the office building, I say to myself, they found each other attracted and they began their courtship. Because looking at the couples, there were all flavors, some that would make you think, that everyone has there other half, but you know what the real thing is that everyone has a different flavor; for example some guys like them big, some like them tall, some short some dark hair, etc…but whether the guys looks totally hot to you and he is walking around with a big lady…don’t wonder why she got him, instead tell yourself that that is his flavor.

Hey I am just throwing that theory out, but when I think about it, and I talk to friends, colleagues, strangers, I think back and recall always hearing that they remember her or him looking hot walking into the club, or store or whatever…but the physical attraction was the key component in I believe 95% of al relationships…think about it…what made you talk to that boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband. I could talk for most guys, usually it was some physical attribute…plain and simple…don’t deny guys…you know it and I know it.

My Perspective:
The next time you are out clubbing or looking for love and you walk up to that guy or gal and they shoot you down, don’t take it personally because it isn’t you, it’s them…because they are attracted to another flavor and eventually you will…after much tasting…find your flavor. Be Safe, Be Adventures, and always remember things will get better. Thanks for reading Latino Man signing Off.

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