
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Babies - Future

Babies – aren’t they just wonderful? I mean, where I work it seems that there are hundreds of people having babies or had babies and it’s about this time that they start bringing their babies into the office. You see people walking around like proud parent, that they should be and display their price position…their child. Of course the reaction around the office is a lot of goos and gass…holding of the baby and of course the crying of the baby, because who in the heck are all thes4e people.

Now sometimes you hear the after affect of I would like another, or I am fine with the ones I have or I am done. It’s funny babies and children bring specific remarks from different people, I noticed that those older of course are more intended to say they are done, while those younger are more inclined to mentioned having another child. As for me, I have my son and daughter and I am pretty much done…why because I am fixed…yah…fixed. Anyhow, so what sometimes gets me is some parent or colleagues bring in their children when they are weeks old or even days old…wait I have seen a parent bring in their pre-mature child days out of the hospital on oxygen tanks…WHAT are they thinking; I mean there are people always sick in the office and believe me when I tell you that 95 percent of them don’t bother washing their hands….get my drift.

So why bring in your new born into an environment like that…come on…send pictures or a video…with cell phones being so high Tech and mostly everyone having them…that’s a better alternative than taking the chance on getting your newborn sick.

I was wondering the whole baby thing…it’s amazing that even in today’s economy people are having children left and right…I wonder if they are even aware of what the economy is looking like…I mean people have that old saying that “we’ll cross that bridge when it comes” but come on…if the bridge is out and you have three additional people to get across why would you take that chance? I don’t know  am just amazed about everything happening around us and maybe just going with the flow is the correct thing to do…you know not even worry about what tomorrow will bring, but live for today…but won’t that at some point bite us in the butt? I mean there has to be something that we need to do in order to be prepared for that bridge when it comes or isn’t there…and maybe not everyone is thinking about that…but I know I am one person that even if I could have more kids now, I wouldn’t at this point…not now, not with this economy unsteadiness…nope…yah maybe we don’t know when it will clear up if it will but for now that wouldn’t be something I would be willing to go through…making things tougher by having more kids.

Anyhow…babies they are wonderful, they are so innocent, they are a reflection of us their parents, they deserve complete and utter devotion to nurture them, teach them and of course love them…but do it as long as you make sure you have that same love for yourself…it won’t do the any good if you are falling apart.

Hey thanks for reading another corky post, but cherish the moments, but be prepared for the things to come. Latino Man signing off, till next time…take care, be safe and be adventures.

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