
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Giving Up

So, here I am writing again…sometimes I look at the amount of things I have on my plate and believe me I sometimes think it would be best to start letting go of some of them, but I guess the adventures and hopeful person in me believes that things will eventually come my way.

Yah, I have a online business that is making some money, of course would I be happier and sleep a bit easier if the money was at least double, and talking double in my case is 1000 buckaroos a month…yah nothing that will allow me to quick my day job, but I am diligently plugging away hoping for a better tomorrow.

Now, I may sound like I am complaining, but I guess with age sometimes things start clearing up a little, and your body starts to give you some indications to –Slow Down- but I guess if anyone had the opportunity to work hard for say 10 years of their lives and know that they will be ok after that…I am sure many of us if not all of us would jump on the opportunity, but things don’t come so ct and dry do they…they always have catches, turns, bumps or whatever else it wants to throw at us and most of us actually don’t give up and push through, but believe me you and me…I wish I could simply throw my hands up in the air and scream and run away…far.

I guess having a family or better said having other that count on you to survive makes a huge difference whether you push on or give up and well…I just know that sometimes it hard to swallow and doing so…hurts. But, one thing I do enjoy is that with the internet being so accessible to most everyone, many people can share their ideas, experience and thoughts. One of the things I am glad I could share is my vast attempts in trying all sorts of business and marketing methods out there. Yah, I could honestly say that I have tried a lot of things out there…the thing is that over the years individuals try and change the name of it but when you get into it..it is the same useless opportunity. So, even though I am not rich, but I am making 300-500 dollars a month extra and ding it with simple marketing methods that are out of reach for many and I don’t have others try and do what I do and then get charged for it…simple methods and simple income. Of course I know that if I double one or two of the marketing I do…I am sure to see increase in the income coming in.

Funny I mentioned this, because just April 6 of 2011 I actually increased my Ad center Pay Per clicks by nearly double…not quite so, I’ll see if the theory works…if it does…I will most definitely write about it in my blog. I will give it about three months and see.

Anyhow, back to the giving up thingy. Yah, well, I guess if you burn the candle at both ends it could eventually burn you, but let’s see if we or I can slow down the burning processes up until I can build enough residual income that I can actually quit my day job and concentrate on the online businesses…and with that get them to the point where when I do decide to retire I can do so knowing that the money will keep on coming in, of course it will always take some maintenance and retirement doesn’t mean having to sit on your ass all day…or travel to every corner of the world…yah it would be nice to see or visit places, but in order to keep that going we need to keep our feet on the ground and at least maintain the business that is providing these things…so I am sure I will still keep an eye on the business even after retirement…but in the meantime…things sometimes get tough and like I said I wish I could simply run away.

Well thanks for reading and for coming back, one thing for certain is that I will always blog even in my retirement because sharing my experiences or thoughts might just help someone out there or maybe my story will relate to them. For now, maybe just screaming a little would be fine, but come back and keep pushing forward…we can do it.

Till next time Latino Man signing off, may your 2011 be one filled with greatness.

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