
Disclaimer: All postings seen here are not intended to provide financial or legal services. They are solely experiences, experessions, ideas or thoughts from a normal everyday Latino Man. I simply wish to share them with those that will read them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Office Dress Attire –

I wanted to touch on this topic, I found it interesting to see how different people react to what different people are wearing, especially ‘Women’. Its amazing how women eye-ball other women or better said how women judge, criticize or well…you know…check them out from head to toe.
So anyways, I noticed not only at my current job, but of course when I look back I realized that, and please don’t take this the wring way, but…when a women that is big & voluptuous…wears a low-cut blouse…no one really says anything. But if a slim & voluptuous woman happens to wear a low-cut blouse….they get pulled into the office and asked to cover up or go home and change.

My thing is WHY? I mean seriously in a professional office on should dress professionally, there is nothing of course wrong with a women or man dressing a little provocative, but in a tasteful manner. If a woman has her friends hanging out or nearly falling out…whether they are big or slim it should not  be allowed….of course that statement comes with also whom is in charge. Now, if it so happens that management is a male, most women that happen to dress that way will be allowed to…of course if a female co-worker complains then we know what happens, but once again if that is the case usually if it is a slim & voluptuous women the co-worker, being a women will complain…but if she is big & voluptuous…it’s allowed…other women would see it as, “You Go Girl”. But if she is slim its more like, “That tramp, see how she flaunts everything, that’s degrading to all women”. Yah…you know it is true. Now, women bosses of course depending can go either way…but once again if the boss happens to be a big women and a slim women happens to wear something…she gets called in…I see this enough through my 20 years of office jobs.

So my thing is that why is that so…if a women big or small & possibly voluptuous happens to wear something provocative but in a tasteful manner…let them…heck if it does not affect their work…why not. I come to realize that women when they feel good about what they have on, they usually have a great day and it shows. Anyhow…my whole issue here or complaint or whatever you want to call it…is why the stereo typing or labeling. And you know this isn’t a new thing…it’s been around for a long time…heck…we have all seeing it or have participated in it somehow or other.

My Perspective:
Everyone should follow the rules or better said…the same rules and if someone happens to break them…approach them…only if it affects the job duties or process. Only saying that the clothing does not perform the job, it is the person inside them…but I understand all to well that we live in a society where everyone is different and we can never make everyone happy.

Thanks for reading, till next time Latino Man signing off.

1 comment:

  1. For quite some time now, business attire has become more casual. It was basically unthinkable in the past decades, but shorts, sandals and t- shirts are now considered as appropriate clothing for some offices

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